London Startups List

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Meet 8 Product Development View everyone

ID 342314

Daniel Nieuwenhuizen

Design & Art Director. Industrial Designer, Ex-Coder. Passionate about product development. Currently at R/GA and working on @daytrippr, have been at @qwiki.

ID 7040

Vincent Thome

Founder @nuji. Focus on @product-development and @business-operations. Worked at @nokia, @akqa. 1st startup out of high school. 2:1 Master in Business.

ID 719019

Tony Xhufi

ID 859392

Andrea Gaudenzi



ID 82041

George Voulgaris

Founder @fallingelephant, @startigniter • Partner @taggzy • Worked at @visionmobile, @logicom • Studied at @university-of-bristol, @cardiff-university

ID 100720

Nikhil Mulchandani

Founder @Clickin' Keep Scoring • , Partner at @ixora-ventures Investor @alma-connect @Learnpedia Edutech @instaveritas Alum at @ie Business@ Warwick

ID 125922

Jigar Patel

Creative, strategic and relentlessly ambitious entrepreneur • DJ • Founder @the-ticket-fairy • MBA candidate at @university-of-warwick

ID 199301

Kristel Viidik

CEO of Testlio; software tester; creates and breaks software.

//}) /* // var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //console.log('y = '+ y); if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 1200 ) { $('#promoBand').fadeIn(); } else { $('#promoBand').fadeOut(); } */ //do something special }, 11000);