London Startups List

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Meet some of the best and newest startups based in London.

Meet 7 strategic partnerships View everyone

ID 72491

Santiago Tenorio

Technology entrepreneur & founder with background in finance / banking / business development.

ID 639921

Dmitri Lukin

Venture Hacker @kown-1 Lean Investor club, Co-founder @Kin_mobile; entrepreneur, marketer, growth hacker

ID 140743

James Cross

Director of Education at @mediacore. Expert in digital learning: Apple Distinguished Educator, published author, SXSWedu speaker.

ID 132134

Daniell Robertson

Made in England. Millennial. BA + MBA from @rollins-college. Mobile Strategy + Biz Dev at @adroll.

ID 532452

Jonty Angel

Google, Electrical Engineer BSc (Honours), London Business School, Startups, product marketing and biz dev background, entrepreneur, team player - I am a photographer

ID 835092

Nathan Jessop

Analyst @elliptic • BScEcon International Relations and Politics @cardiff-university •

ID 653940

Michael Donoghue

Business Development Exec passionate about new technology and companies offering innovate solutions.

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