London Startups List

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Meet 13 software engineer View everyone

ID 53008

James Woodward

Co-founder at MilkCap Studios. In a past life a high-skilled contractor, clients include @playfish, @playdom Inc, @acclaim-games, @the-walt-disney-company.

ID 281530

Nicola Greco

Wired Top 10 under 25 in Italy. Previously @seedcamp , @mozilla and founder of @brunoapp

ID 708853

Jonathan Heusser

Founder of @queueco . PhD and MSc in Computer Science.

ID 574796

Laura Moreno

Founder Ladada • Worked at @sungard, @xtiva • Studied at @california-state-university-sacramento

ID 102649

Ryan Johnson

CTO/Cofounder of @spatch Previously senior software engineer on the internal platform @zynga

ID 33169

Andrew McDonough

CTO and cofounder of Tribesports.

ID 646079

Mehdi Beddiaf

ID 608090

Ankur Vashi

BS in CE from Syracuse University. Mobile Application Developer with a thrist for new experience. Experience with working in start-up companies.

ID 129540

Tom Brammar


Finance, tech and media. Founder @premia-capital, @node-1. Co-founder @financial-times-tilt @l-o-a-f

ID 710633

Adam Debowski

Intern at Google, Masters in Finance at LBS 2014, Computer Engineering at U of T 2007

ID 167604

Tom Hennigan

Software Engineer at Google

ID 661112

Ashok Menon

MCompSci Computer Science, Oxford University, expect to graduate 2016 Engineering Intern, Rentify (Jul 13-Sept 13) Engineering Intern, Shortcut (Mar 14-Oct 14)

ID 126336

Jian Yuan

Software Engineer at Yoyo; Recent Imperial College London graduate; Maker of Things.

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