London Startups List

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Meet 5 Managing Director View everyone

ID 82041

George Voulgaris

Founder @fallingelephant, @startigniter • Partner @taggzy • Worked at @visionmobile, @logicom • Studied at @university-of-bristol, @cardiff-university

ID 678898

Ray Frank

ID 20062

Cristiano Carlutti


Former VP @tesla-motors , Fiat, Olympics. 4 start-ups, now between China/Europe. Founder of XCD Ventures. Investor in @pick1, @spire-global , @jam-vehicles-ltd

ID 570375

Rachel Lyubovitzky

Founder @ontimeworks, @searchfeed-com Investor. Mentor. Studied at @brandeis-university, @wharton-business-school World traveler. Having fun building!

ID 419173

Brett Mason

Co Founder Bitcoin India, Board of Mantis Energy, Invented MassBloc, Director MassTec Industries and NLDR, Advisor Indie Producers Guild, Reduce My Invoice.

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